The Process

Have you ever a hobby… craft… or maybe something that you really enjoyed doing? It could be woodworking, painting, working on cars. Well mine is photography, and today I decided to publicly launch my business. It’s been a crazy journey just to get to the “start”, but it’s been so rewarding. And, truth be told, it would not have been possible if it wasn’t for you, the person reading this, and helping me along the way. Thanks!

My photography journey started during the summer of 2013, going into my senior year of high school. My mother was (and still is) into photography, and while on a family vacation to New York, she let me take some photos. Below are a few of my very first shots. I didn’t know anything about shutter speed, aperture, or ISO, but I knew I loved it! They were certainly over developed, but it was a start!

Other than our vacation to New York, I never really touched a camera after that. And it wouldn’t be until my Sophomore year of college in 2015 when I would start taking photos again. Right before I moved into my dorm, my mom gave me my first camera! I moved in a few weeks early since I was an RA so I spent a lot of my free time walking around campus taking as many photos as I could. Below is the first real collection of photos! It wasn’t a fancy camera by any means, just a Canon T3i (Canon Rebel). These photos were definitely over processed… just look at the cliché blurring and fake vignettes. It was fun though, and that’s how photography should be!

Over the next few years, I would go out and take photos whenever I could. Spring break trips, fraternity intramural events, and random evening around Greenville, NC, were my main sources of practice. And that’s the key word, PRACTICE. The more I practiced, the better I became at framing and editing photos… but my no means would I say I have it “mastered”! However, with years of practice, I could see my art take shape!




It took me nearly 8 years to finally get to a spot where I’m “happy” with my work, but I still have many more to go!

Today, I decided to officially turn my hobby into a side hustle. Business is picking up, and it was time for me to take my photography seriously. Does this mean I have the nicest, most expensive equipment around? No. I still photograph with a Canon 70D, which I would not consider a true “professional camera”. However, that hasn’t stopped me, and shouldn’t stop you (if you’re a photographer) from doing what you love! The process has been long, and at times difficult! It has taken time, energy, and practice. Even the process of setting up this website, the business, social media accounts, etc. have been challenging. But if you find you passion, then 8 years will feel like just a few days!

To everyone who helped me get to a point where I can launch this side-hustle, THANK YOU. To my friends and family who’ve helped me, THANK YOU. To the random guy on Facebook one time who said my picture was over done, THANK YOU! And to everybody joining me on this journey, THANK YOU! The process is just beginning, and we will all see where this goes! I will still continue to work my day job, and this will still be my side business, but the sky’s the limit!

Of course, as a shameless plug for my business, I have an amazing shop set up on this site with prints starting at $31. Feel free to browse, maybe purchase some art for your office, home, etc *wink wink*, or follow me on any of my social media accounts below! I also have a mailing list to send out sales, promotions, and updates which you can sign up for below!

Finally, for business inquiries on larger prints, and for an extended gallery for corporate clients, email me at!




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